How To Attract A Man In 5 Easy Steps
Does it seem like everyone you know has an opinion on how to attract a man?
If it's so easy, who are so many women frustrated with still being single?
The truth is that attracting a man who is interested in a quick fling is not a problem. Attracting a man who is marriage material, however, is a bit more tricky.
If you are interested in a long lasting relationship with a quality man who will commit to you, study these 5 tips for success.
1. Understand What Attracts A Man
First, don't be hard on yourself with regards to your looks. Obviously good grooming and making the best of your assets are important. But what attracts men most of all is confidence, happiness and openness. A woman who seems friendly (to everyone, not just men she is trying to attract) and genuinely happy and comfortable with herself is really what attracts men. According to research, most men are intimidated by super beautiful model types. So put on your best smile and know that you are somebody's ideal.
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You know what your mamma always told you about there being plenty of fish in the sea? It's true. But the chances of them swimming up to your front door are slim. You need to put yourself in the position where you are around single people, even if that is outside your comfort zone. Sign up for some classes to learn something new or for online dating.
Another point you should pay attention to is that men are less likely to approach a bunch of women standing together than they are a woman standing by herself. So even of you are having a "girl's night out" create times where you are alone (even if it's just going to the bathroom or standing in line alone to get a drink) to give suitors an opportunity to approach you.
3. Stand Out From Your Friends
You don't need to be the loudest or the tallest one in the group to get a man's attention. You can have the best, most open smile. If you are the one who laughs the most and the one who asks the most interesting questions, you will attract men like mosquitoes to a bright light.
4. Keep Your Sense of Self
Something that really turns men off is women who are perceived as high maintenance or "needy". You need to convey that even though you love spending time with your man, he is not your life. You had a life, friends and interests before you met him, right? Don't let them fall to the wayside. Everyone knows a girl who seems to have no interests of her own but suddenly adopts all of her new boyfriend's passions. It's not an attractive quality at all.
Also, if you suddenly expect a man to spend all of his free time with you it can come off as "smothering" and he will subconsciously start to suspect that you will interfere with his long term freedom.
5. Don't Try To Manipulate
Forget all the nonsense that has been written about "playing hard to get" if you really want a man to be interested in you. You know, the advise that says a woman should never initiate a phone call or suggest date ideas. Such nonsense includes advising women never to accept a date for the weekend of the invitation comes after midweek (obviously you should already have other plans) or to hold back on being physically intimate with a man for a certain amount of months. There can be no such hard and fast rules in the matters of the heart. While these strategies might get a man interested in the beginning (men are genetically preprogramed to "hunt and chase" remember and usually love a challenge) these strategies will ultimately backfire on you. The man who is interested in "the chase" is not marriage material, and not a man you want to attract if a serious relationship is your ultimate goal.
Certainly I am not advocating being immediately completely emotionally and physically available on a first date. The age old advice of "always leave them wanting more" is appropriate. But if you just focus on being yourself and if a man is compatible with you then probably things will unfold just at the correct pace.
So leave the "manipulation" techniques alone. If you act in an open and honest fashion you will stand a much better chance of attracting an open and honest man.
So keep these 5 tips in mind, and you should be attracting quality men in no time. Good luck!
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How to Attract a Man: Attract Any Man You Want Starting Right Now
Can you really attract any man you want? You bet! Knowing how to send the right signals without being too obvious can work wonders! If you have been struggling with meeting and attracting single men this article will teach you how to pull attraction triggers so strong that you will attract men like bees on honey.
Being the woman that attracts men and seduces the man's mind may seem like a difficult task at first. And yet, these simple strategies will turn your dating life around and make you irresistibly attractive to men.
Ingredients of attraction
The two of the most critical ingredients of attraction are confidence and the ability to flirt. Confidence comes from within. You can't hide it but neither could you fake it. The first step in increasing self-confidence is to look on the bright side. Every day when you wake up, look in the mirror and say it out loud, "I am happy. I am beautiful. I am a catch." Saying it and believing it will empower you. You will not depend on a man's opinion of you for your self-esteem. If some man doesn't like you, it's his problem. There are plenty of those who will.
Repeat this simple exercise every day and you will notice how your self-confidence shoots through the roof.
Flirting is the second element of attraction. As simple as it sounds a genuine smile will make you irresistible. When you see a man you want to attract, look at him and smile. When he looks back at you, start playing with your hair, and touching your neck. Do it subtle, as it is important to not over do.
He will see that you are open and approachable. If he is single, I bet he'll strike a conversation with you. Learning how to attract men is really not as hard as you might think. As you become more comfortable with flirting and attracting men you will see that your dating life will take a one-hundred eighty degree turn!
Now, listen carefully!
On the next page you will discover how to go from the first dates to "I Do"! If you are tired of being alone or being in a state of limbo with men you are dating, and want to achieve happily-ever-after, go to this page and jump-start your success with men!
Source: ezinearticles
Source: ezinearticles
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