The Red Tea Detox

➲ Quick and Easy Ways to Lose Weight and Keep it off:✓ 10 Tips


Quick and easy ways to lose weight and keep it off

Losing weight is one of the most popular New Year's resolutions across the globe, but so many of us often fail in our attempts year after year. 

How To Lose Weight Fast and Easy

Weight loss is an ongoing process and when we don't see instant results for our efforts it can seem like one of the hardest things in the world to do. However, it doesn't have to be an endless chore.

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Weight loss can be easy, even fun, if you follow just a few simple and healthy tactics and don't expect to drop 10 pounds overnight. 

10 Easy Ways to Lose Weight


Below are 10 tips for losing weight without turning your life upside down.

1. Set a goal and commit to it 
Don't just say that you want to lose weight. Decide how much weight you want to lose, set a realistic timeline and stick to it. Keep a note on your mirror or fridge to remind you of your weight loss goal. Tell friends and family about your goal so that you'll be more likely to follow through with your plan.

2. Drink lots of water 
Water keeps you hydrated and allows your metabolism to work at a faster rate. It is essential if you're exercising, which you should be as part of the weight loss process. Eight glasses a day is the recommended amount, but you may need more depending on how much exercise you do.

3. Exercise Regularly 
Quite possibly one of the hardest parts about losing weight is finding the time and effort to fit in some exercise. You don't have to spend hours at the gym everyday to lose weight though. Pick three days a week and do different things so you won't get bored. Try a 30 minute run, a quick workout with some hand weights, stomach crunches and push ups, skipping or even simply walking to and from work.

4. Integrate exercise into your daily routine 
Change little things in your daily routine to get fitter. Take the stairs instead of the lift, walk instead of taking the bus or jog home from work or school.

5. Reduce your calorie intake 
If you're eating more calories than you burn it will be impossible to lose weight. Average recommended calorie intake is around 2000 per day for women and 2500 for men. If you're over these figures and aren't burning them off through exercise just reduce your intake a little to aid weight loss.

6. Start the day with a healthy breakfast 
Mornings are a rush for most people, but it's important to wake up a bit earlier to squeeze in breakfast. A healthy breakfast will kick start your body's metabolism and help it to burn calories at a faster rate. Avoid greasy foods such as bacon and sausages and stick to healthy foods like oats, fruit, eggs, brown bread and low fat yoghurt. Breakfast also provides an important mental boost and you'll find that you'll be able to concentrate more throughout the day.

7. Only eat when hungry 
It seems obvious, but it's one that many people ignore. Don't order a full meal if you're not hungry, because chances are that you'll end up eating it all even though you didn't need to. Avoid ordering chips at the pub if you've already had dinner and stand away from the food table at functions if you've had enough.

8. Wait 20 minutes after eating 
Many people often feel like they're still hungry after a meal and order more food to fill up. However, you'll find that if you wait for 20 minutes your food will settle down and you won't feel hungry anymore.

9. Try having fun while exercising 
Sometimes exercising solo can get boring and derail even the best laid weight loss plans. Try having some fun by exercising with a friend or joining a team sport. You'll also find that you'll be less likely to cancel if others are depending on you. Going to a fitness boot camp is also a great way to exercise, have fun, make friends and lose weight.

10. Don't become obsessed with losing weight 
You're probably less likely to lose weight and sustain it if you let your weight loss plans take over your life. Don't stress about counting every calorie, enjoy an occasional meal and drinks with friends and don't weigh yourself too much. There's no use losing weight if you can't maintain it. The best way is to integrate a few more healthy practices into your life and stick to them for good. 

5 Ways To Lose Weight FAST! Fun Workout Routines 

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